
Two funding competitions open to support learning disabilities and maternity care

SBRI Healthcare, funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement, has launched two new competitions to support digital solutions relating to tackling health inequalities in maternity care, and supporting autism and learning disabilities.

Applications are now open for both competitions for single companies or organisations from the private, public, and third sectors.

For the addressing of health inequalities in maternity care competition, applicants are expected to respond to one of three areas relating to: perinatal mental health, support for women post-discharge, and risk identification, stratification, and intervention.

The competition specific to autism and learning disabilities invites innovations to support early identification and diagnosis, health inequalities and access to care, and access to effective support and services.

Split into two phases, the first phase ‘is intended to show the technical feasibility of the proposed concept’,  and will support innovators for up to six months with £100,000 allocated per project.

Phase two is ‘intended to develop and evaluate prototypes or demonstration units from the more promising technologies in phase one’. This phase will support innovators for up to 12 months, with a potential of up to £800,000 per project.

As part of the application process innovators must follow the NICE Digital Health Technology Framework and provide evidence inline with the Digital Technology Assessment Criteria. Applicants should also state their goals and outline their plan for phase two, which includes their path to full commercial implementation.

The competition is now open for applications. You can view the challenge brief for the health inequalities in maternity care programme here, or the challenge brief for the autism and learning disabilities programme here.

The deadline to apply is 13:00 BST on Wednesday 06 July 2022. For more information please visit the SBRI Healthcare website here.