
All Wales PROMS framework agreement worth estimated £11m awarded to five suppliers

NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, on behalf of all health boards and trusts in Wales, has awarded contracts for an All Wales Patient Reported Outcome Measures Solution (PROMS) framework worth an estimated £11,875,564, with the aim of ensuring standard and consistent collection of data across all NHS organisations aligned to the PROMS standard operating model.

The contract will run over three years, with the potential to extend for a further year, and has been awarded to Aire Logic, My Clinical Outcomes, Promptly Health, The Clinician Ltd and NEC Software Solutions UK.

The procurement supports a national requirement to “deliver a PROMs service in a consistent and standard manner” that supports local requirements for health boards and trusts, whilst also supporting the Welsh Value in Health Centre national programme agenda. The procurement notice states that value in healthcare is “realised when we achieve the best possible healthcare outcomes for our population with the resources that we have”, and adds: “Changes in health are important milestones in the lives of patients and we should use Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) to measure them.”

The notice can be viewed here.

In other news from Wales, last month we reported on the new digital and data strategy from Public Health Wales, which centres around three key themes: to build strong foundations, build in alignment and to build to make a difference.

In October, we also reported that NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership awarded a contract to procure a primary care workforce intelligence system work an estimated £1,144,760.

In the summer, we also covered the news that Digital Health and Care Wales awarded a £25 million laboratory information system contract; and elsewhere, three further grant awards were made to digital community pharmacy system suppliers to deliver electronic prescription services in Wales.