We received 80 votes from our audience, with participants from a range of settings and specialties, with options to choose from including improve digital culture/skills, infrastructure and security, availability of data/use of data, and improving systems in place.
Improving digital culture/skills came out on top, receiving 38 percent of votes. Supporters of this option included a CXiO, head of clinical systems, head of digital, and service improvement manager.
Coming in second place, with 29 percent of the votes, was improving systems in place. Voters for this option included a practice manager, CCIO, clinical system specialist, and clinical adviser.
In close third, was availability of data/use of data, which attracted 28 percent of votes. Those selecting this option included business development manager, head of communications, CDIO and digital director.
Finally, infrastructure and security received 5 percent of the votes, including from a CIO, CAD technician, and UK public sector Govtech lead.
Do you agree with these results? Are they what you would have expected?
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Our last poll asked “What’s the biggest challenge with interoperability across health and care?“, with the majority of respondents (46 percent), thinking that legacy systems were the biggest challenge with interoperability across health and care, with voters including associate director of digital service delivery, solutions architect, consultant, head of primary care IT, and deputy chief nurse.