Month: November 2023


“We need to get to a point where we can deliver the level of seamless care that patients expect” – panel discussion on the primary and secondary interface

For our recent panel, we spoke with Max Carter, programme director in outpatient transformation at North West London ICB; Dr Paul Wright, GP and deputy clinical director/IT clinical lead at NHS Greater Manchester and CCIO at Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisation; David Ezra, managing director at integrated patient referral […]


Digital to support care at home and consistent messaging in Scotland’s new winter preparedness plan

The Scottish Government has published this year’s winter preparedness plan for health and social care, with a number of priorities set out around helping people receive care from home; ensuring consistent messaging for the public and staff; recruitment, retention and wellbeing; maximising capacity and maintaining integrated services; supporting safe delivery […]

Interview NHS trust NP

Interview: “You need people with broad experiences to lead digital agendas” William Monaghan, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NFT

Our latest interview features William Monaghan, executive chief digital information officer at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) NHS Foundation Trust. William joined us to chat about the digital projects and priorities at his trust, their emphasis on user-centred design, and his hopes for the future. Hi William, can […]

News NHS trust

Roadmap and priorities for Greater Manchester in new digital transformation strategy

Health Innovation Manchester has published The Greater Manchester Health and Care Digital Transformation Strategy on behalf of Greater Manchester NHS and social care partners, highlighting five key ambitions to deliver integrated, coordinated care; enable efficient and productive working; empower citizens; understand and act upon population health needs; and accelerate research […]