Month: August 2024


South Yorkshire ICS publishes data and insights strategy for 2024-2026, sharing plans for data platform and alliance

South Yorkshire has published its data and insights strategy for 2024-2026, setting out ambitions to build an intelligence-led system using data to improve health and wellbeing outcomes and experiences, with focus on evaluating care pathways, improving population understanding and tackling health inequalities. The strategy sets out a number of key […]

NHS trust

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals selects AGFA HealthCare radiology system

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has selected AGFA HealthCare’s enterprise imaging radiology information system (RIS) to replace existing systems across five sites, with AGFA’s solution to support the full end-to-end medical imaging pathway. The RIS will work alongside the trust’s existing third-party patient administration system, with functionalities […]


HTN Now: learnings from virtual wards and where next?

Last week for a HTN Now panel we were joined by Heather Young, virtual ward programme manager at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Christina (Chris) Prada, virtual ward service lead at Northampton General Hospital, to discuss learnings and experiences around virtual wards. Chris explained that Northampton General Hospital is currently […]


NHS National Services Scotland shares strategic framework for 2024-2026, setting out transformation support

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) has published its strategic framework for 2024-2026, setting out the organisation’s vision, values and priorities – namely to enable transformation by supporting the implementation of new solutions, to continually improve services, and to active seek opportunities for collaboration. The framework specifies that a key component […]