
Global Interview NP

Interview: “There’s a lot of desire to see digital make a palpable difference to health outcomes in New Zealand” Ryl Jensen, CEO of Digital Health Association

We sat down for a chat with Ryl Jensen, CEO of the Digital Health Association (DHA), the peak advocacy body for the digital health sector in New Zealand. Ryl described the DHA as not-for-profit “conduit between government and industry” and explained how her team works closely with government to disseminate […]

Global Interview

Interview: “Technology is the central nervous system of a healthcare environment” Aaron Miri, SVP and CDIO at Baptist Health, Florida

We recently met Aaron Miri, senior vice president and chief digital information officer at Baptist Health in Jacksonville, Florida, to learn about the digital projects in his organisation, his experience at a national level, how technology is being used to support Baptist Health in making healthcare accessible, and more. On […]

Global Now

“If we are always successful then I’d argue we’re not being innovative at all”: panel discussion on international digital healthcare development

This week we held our first international webinar since launching our sister site HTN International, where we were joined by a panel of health tech experts to discuss current digital capabilities, projects, and priorities from country contexts including Spain, Bermuda, and the UK. We welcomed Keltie Jamieson, chief health information […]

Global Interview NP

Interview: “The impact starts with small transformations” Inderpal Kohli, VP and CIO at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey

Over on our sister site HTN International, we shared our interview with Inderpal Kohli, vice president and chief information officer at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey, to hear his insights on digital transformation, projects, priorities and challenges in the digital health space. Inderpal introduced himself by explaining how his career has been […]

Global International NP

Interview: “Machine learning can help us re-conquer compassion and humanisation of healthcare” Ricardo Baptista Leite, HealthAI and UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health

We recently sat down for a chat with Ricardo Baptista Leite about the potential and considerations for artificial intelligence, key learnings from his career and his thoughts on the digital health landscape in Portugal. Along with his background as a medical doctor, Ricardo has experience in a number of settings […]