
Preventative health tech company Neko Health launches in London offering full body scan

Preventative health tech company Neko Health has launched in London with the opening of a Health Centre offering the ‘Neko Body Scan’, described as a “preventative health check for the future self” mapping millions of external and internal health data points on the body.

Taking approximately 10 minutes, the scan uses 70 sensors to collect an estimated 50 million data points from the body, analysing physical features such as moles as well as assessing blood fat and blood sugar levels; looking for skin cancer and blood abnormalities; and checking symptoms and risk factors around heart attacks, strokes and metabolic syndrome.

Results are made available immediately with a personalised consultation offered by a Neko Health doctor following the scan, with a summary and tracking of health data also offered via an app. The launch price of the scan is reported to be £299.

Originally launched in Stockholm last year, Neko Health was co-founded by Hjalmar Nilsonne and Daniel Ek, founder of Spotify and Prima Materia.

10,000 appointment bookings and wait list requests have been reported in the first week of the London Health Centre’s launch, with Hjalmar calling it “the fastest signup rate that we have ever seen during a launch”.

Other news from London

Last week HTN reported how DigitalHealth.London has announced the latest cohort for its accelerator programme, with with 17 SMEs selected to develop digital solutions or services deemed to have the “highest potential to meet London’s NHS and social care challenges” in areas including AI, remote monitoring and mental health.

On a related note, August saw us share how applications are open for the latest cohort of DigitalHealth.London’s Launchpad Programme, designed to offer support to early-stage innovators looking to launch digital health products and services.

Last month, we shared how North East London NHS Foundation Trust published a pre-procurement notice aiming to identify market capabilities and supplier interest for ADHD technologies.

We explored the latest strategy from the North West London Acute Provider Collaborative, made up of trusts including Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare, London North West University, and The Hillingdon Hospitals.

Another strategy was from Royal Free London, highlighting the role of new technologies, EPR and improved data and digital services in helping to create a “blueprint to deliver world-leading healthcare”.

And to get some insight from health tech professionals working in the capital, we interviewed  Joss Palmer, OneLondon programme director; and Dr Osman Bhatti, GP and chief clinical information officer at North East London ICB.