News, NHS trust

Cambridge University Hospitals goes live with instant shared care record access from EPR

On Tuesday this week Cambridge University Hospitals went live to provide teams with “instant access” to their region shared care record directly from the trust’s Epic EPR.

In what Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS is noting as “a major milestone” in the roll-out of the shared care record, access is granted through a role-based access control model, which makes information available based on job role and Epic login details. It means within the Epic EPR, staff can click a ‘Shared Care’ button to access the record.

“The shared care record complements existing connectivity and sharing capabilities in CUH – Care Everywhere, GP Connect, EpicCare Link and MyChart patient portal,” the update notes, “to enhance CUH sharing of and access to information in support of shared clinical care for patients across the region.”

Earlier this year, the ICS also announced that its shared care record now shares five types of key mental health documents, to help provide instant access to more detailed mental health information: care plans; crisis plans; diagnosis extracts; risk assessment; and mental health act notices.

Taking to LinkedIn, Rob Nimmo, head of digital transformation at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS, thanked all involved in reaching this “important milestone”, adding: “This is yet another exciting development for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough shared care record.”

Progress around Shared Care Records

Late last year, Barry Frostick, CDIO at Mid and South Essex ICS, announced the go-live of the ICS’s shared care record, highlighting the potential for the platform to “enable better connected care and safer treatment” for patients and residents. The shared care record, which has been developed in partnership with Orion Health, aims to bring together information from local health and care organisations, offering health professionals in the region “instant access” to information, which in turn can support timely treatment and more tailored care.

In Greater Manchester, Health Innovation Manchester announced that over 60 Well Pharmacy sites plan to have access to the region’s shared care record. By having access to the record, pharmacies across the Manchester region can now reportedly view health and social care data, including “medication history, blood pressure records, lifestyle notes, and immunisation details to support flu and COVID-19 immunisation services”.

Shropshire Health and Wellbeing Board published an update on progress toward Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICS’s digital strategy, highlighting “key accomplishments” since March 2024. In terms of integrated care records and population health management, the report states that “implementation of the shared care record through the Graphnet contract has laid a critical foundation for data-sharing across the ICS, enabling clinicians and care providers to access real -time patient information and fostering collaborative care”. A “major achievement” has also been establishing a data feed across the ICS with seamless integration into the One Health & Care Shared Care Record.