vCreate Neuro is secure clinical video service to support clinical teams with diagnosis, management and decision-making in hospitals and the community

Co-designed with clinicians, the cloud-based service allows registered patients or their carers to share smartphone-recorded videos and associated metadata with their clinical team to asynchronously digitise diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes.

Benefits of the service include:

  • Enables faster, more accurate diagnosis and access to appropriate treatment.
  • Specialist history and classification modules currently include epilepsy, movement disorders, autism and neuro-developmental follow up.
  • Reduces in-person clinic attendance, admissions and investigations, e.g. EEGs and MRIs.
  • Available in multi-languages, including auto-translated messages.
  • Capability to be embedded as the video extension of your EPR.


A 2022 Healthcare Improvement Scotland report has highlighted the service’s improvement to the clinical decision-making process, alongside cost savings of £675 on average per patient through reduced clinic appointments, admissions, and investigations. 88% of patients and families found the service easy to use and it helped reduce patient waiting times after referral by up to 90%.

Professor Sameer Zuberi, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist at Glasgow’s Royal Hospital for Children, said: “vCreate Neuro has transformed how we use carer-recorded video in our service. We are diagnosing epilepsy more rapidly, preventing misdiagnosis and saving unnecessary investigations. Families feel more in control and better connected to the service.”

Currently used in over 57 centres throughout the UK, clinicians are utilising the service in everything from paediatric neurology to speech and language therapy to elderly medicine with more new use-cases launching regularly. So far, over 20,000 patient videos have been shared by 8,000 patients and families with clinical teams for review.

Liz O’Connell, Speech & Language Therapy Team Leader at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said: “Since implementing vCreate Neuro in November 2020, our team and the families we care for have been very receptive to using the service as a new digital pathway. Now, rather than automatically scheduling face-to-face appointments, we can invite parents to share videos of their child’s communication and interactions at home to find the best next steps for each family.

The videos recorded in home-settings give us invaluable insight into the interaction between children and their families without the distraction of a new adult. This naturalistic communication is vital not only for understanding the child’s communication skills but also in helping coach families to communicate effectively with their child in a way suitable for their needs.”

If you’re interested in finding out how vCreate Neuro could help your team securely receive smartphone-recorded videos from

patients and carers, please email or visit our website


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