
Cheshire and Merseyside ICS deploys Cynerio’s Healthcare Cybersecurity Platform across 17 trusts

Cheshire and Merseyside ICS has selected Cynerio’s Healthcare Cybersecurity Platform for implementation at all 17 trusts within its footprint as part of the ICS investing in defences to better protect patient data, minimise vulnerabilities and reduce disruptions to care.

Cynerio’s platform is designed to protect healthcare environments against threats to Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices, offering continuous monitoring to detect and mitigate threats specific to medical and IoT devices within healthcare environments as well as real-time threat intelligence and automated response mechanisms.

From Liverpool Women’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, chief digital information officer Matt Connor states that Cynerio “delivered exactly what we need: comprehensive visibility into all networked devices across our ICS trusts”.

He adds that deployment was completed efficiently, with Cynerio offering “consistently responsive” support.

From Cynerio, head of sales Darrell Bailey comments: “We are extremely proud to have been chosen by Cheshire and Merseyside to defend all the care facilities in the ICS. Adopting best of breed technologies like Cynerio to be deployed at scale will allow them to continue to be a leader and innovator in the NHS.”

Security in the spotlight

Earlier in the year, HTN sat down for a chat with Chad Holmes, security evangelist for Cynerio, to talk all things cyber security in the healthcare space. Chad discussed notable attacks and their impacts; cyber security across Europe, the UK and the US; and how organisations can take steps to support their security.

To explore our audience views, HTN recently posed two questions to our readers: what action is most needed in health and care cyber security in the short term, and where should the biggest priority lay for health and care cyber security?

In April we reported on insights around securing patient data for safer care, highlighting the impact and risks of data breaches on hospitals; and in March we explored Cynerio’s launch of its enhanced platform, looking in more detail at its offering.

Other news has included the outlining of plans for a Cyber Security and Resilience Bill in The King’s Speech 2024, set to expand regulatory remits to provide protection to a higher number of digital services; and looking to Scotland, exploration of the Scottish Government’s strategic plan for the Scottish Cyber Coordination Centre.