Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire’s (BSW) digital strategy to 2028 has set out a series of digital design principles to guide a system-wide approach, highlighting priorities including efficiencies of scale, information sharing, and simplification of the digital estate. “A key design principle of the BSW Digital Strategy […]
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS shared care record shares five key mental health documents
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS has announced that its shared care record now shares five types of key mental health documents, to help provide instant access to more detailed mental health information. The five documents being shared are: care plans; crisis plans; diagnosis extracts; risk assessment; mental health act notices. Each […]
SW London ICS digital strategy 2025 – 2028: developing digital infrastructure, integrating systems, harnessing data, empowering citizens, encouraging innovation, and more
South West London ICS has published its digital strategy for 2025 – 2028 setting out a digital vision prioritising citizen and health professional empowerment, joined up patient pathways, and the “seamless” provision of health and care services for all citizens, “supported by new technologies”. The strategy sets out five digital […]
NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB awards patient management system contract
NHS Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire ICB has awarded a contract to digital solutions platform, IEG4 Limited, for a digitalised end-to-end patient management system, with a contract lifecycle value of £497,600 over 3 years. The ICB has procured the solution to support referrals, assessment, approvals, contracting, payment […]
Mid and South Essex ICB board highlight digital and data in supporting total triage, whole system stewardship, modern general practice, resilience, and more
The latest board papers from Mid and South Essex ICB have highlighted the impact of digital tools and data in supporting a number of different projects and priorities, including total triage, whole system stewardship, modern general practice, emergency preparedness, resilience and response, and more. In the area of primary care, […]
£126 million in funding for DHSC’s “biggest investment into hospices in a generation” to overhaul IT systems
The Department of Health and Social Care has announced £126 million in funding to help support hospices in making improvements to IT systems and facilities, in what it has termed the “biggest investment into hospices in a generation”. The funding is part of the government’s Plan for Change, aiming to […]
North West London ICS on how digital underpins plans for integrated neighbourhood teams
North West London ICS has set out the strategic approach for its integrated neighbourhood teams (INTs), with a “no wrong front door” approach undertaken which will see all services accessible digitally, via telephone or in person. The ICS notes that residents have expressed desire for a “single, recognisable NHS and […]
Mid & South Essex ICB seeks integrated community dermatology service including teledermatology
NHS Mid & South Essex ICB is looking to appoint a provider for an integrated community dermatology service, to include teledermatology and support improvements by helping ensure that patients are seen by the right person at the right time, on the correct pathway. The service aims to introduce a single […]
Cheshire and Merseyside ICS deploys Cynerio’s Healthcare Cybersecurity Platform across 17 trusts
Cheshire and Merseyside ICS has selected Cynerio’s Healthcare Cybersecurity Platform for implementation at all 17 trusts within its footprint as part of the ICS investing in defences to better protect patient data, minimise vulnerabilities and reduce disruptions to care. Cynerio’s platform is designed to protect healthcare environments against threats to […]
HTN Now panel discussion: digital integrated care, new models of care, and moving from reactive to proactive
For a HTN Now panel discussion on the topic of digital integrated care we were joined by experts from across the health sector, who discussed topics including approaches to tackling challenges from an ICS perspective; new models of care and pathway transformation; the role of technology in supporting the move […]