Author: HTN


The Royal Society publishes report on Privacy Enhancing Technologies

The Royal Society has published a report on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to consider their potential to “revolutionise the safe and rapid use of sensitive data for wider public benefit”. The report, entitled ‘From privacy to partnership: the role of Privacy Enhancing Technologies in data governance and collaborative analysis’, was […]

Secondary Care

Three trusts get approval for shared EPR

Three NHS trusts and NHS England have approved a financial plan for a shared electronic patient record system. Following approval of the outline business case, The Queen Elizabeth Hospitals King’s Lynn NHS FT, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS FT and James Paget University Hospitals NHS FT now have the go-ahead to procure […]


Digital Health and Care Wales selects suppliers for EPMA framework

Digital Health and Care Wales has launched a new framework to support organisations in procuring electronic prescribing and medicines administration solutions. Nervecentre Software, CareFlow Medicines Management and Better have been awarded onto the framework. The programme aims to support hospitals in Wales call-off EPMA solutions on a local basis and […]