Author: HTN

Secondary Care

Kodak Alaris wins tender to support UHB

Kodak Alaris Information Management and Insight have successfully tendered to provide University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB), one of 16 Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) acute trusts, with a fast and efficient scanning solution embedded within the Trust’s existing line of business application. Kodak Alaris evaluated the Trust’s existing processes […]

Secondary Care

NHS Wales embraces early payment innovation

NHS Wales is embarking on an innovative early payment programme for its suppliers, which will create an additional income stream for the Health Boards and Trusts across Wales to reinvest in essential services and help it achieve greater efficiencies through a more effective purchasing process. The organisations, which provide care […]

Apps News

NHS Digital launches new API Lab

NHS Digital has today announced plans for a new API Lab to be run in partnership with INTEROPencommunity members. By pooling the expertise of developers from both industry and NHS Digital the Lab is expected to accelerate the development of open source APIs designed to improve system integration across the the NHS and […]

Primary Care News

How the telephone can help achieve the GP Forward View

Providing GPs and patients with more efficient ways of communicating is vital if this ambition is to be realised, argues Paul Bensley of X–on According to The King’s Fund, between 2010-11 and 2014-15, telephone contacts with general practice increased by 62.6%, compared to an increase of 13.3% in face-to-face consultations over the […]