NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board has published a future opportunity notice of its plans to procure a shared care record in 2023. The formal procurement is anticipated to open in March 2023, with the ICB currently finalising the scope and requirements for the contract. The […]
Author: HTN
NHS England opens provider collaborative innovators scheme
NHS England has opened a new opportunity inviting systems and providers to participate in a new Provider Collaborative Innovators scheme. The programme aims to support 7-9 collaboratives address key challenges, shape service improvement and deliver mid to long term transformation. In a letter to ICBs and NHS trusts, NHS England notes: […]
NHS Tayside publishes new digital strategy for 2022-27
NHS Tayside has released a new Digital Health and Social Care Strategy for 2022-2027, aiming to help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives using digital health technology. The strategy opens with a foreword breaking down the rationale of developing a digital strategy. It explains: “Digital strategy isn’t just about building […]
Jeffrey Wood, Deputy Director of ICT at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
Welcome back to another episode of HTN Let’s Talk! For this edition of our podcast, we interviewed Jeffrey Wood, Deputy Director of ICT at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust. Jeffrey discusses his career, digital programmes across the hospital and ICS, challenges he has faced, how to develop digital across […]
HTN Now November Live
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Eight suppliers announced on new GP clinical systems framework
Eight suppliers have joined NHS Digital’s Tech Innovation Framework, designed to increase innovation and choice of GP IT core clinical systems in primary care. The new commercial framework aims to support the adoption of new GP core systems that have been designed and built in line with new standards and […]
NICE makes conditional recommendations for digital CBT tools for children and young people
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has conditionally recommended using digital cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) tools for children and young people with mild to moderate anxiety symptoms. The five self-guided products offer the use of games, videos and quizzes based on CBT principles and aim to help […]
AI tool supports cancer diagnosis across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (ICB) has adopted artificial intelligence (AI) technology to support its process of diagnosing suspected skin cancers and to prioritise patients. Working alongside health tech company Skin Analytics, the hospitals’ dermatology services are using a tool called DERM to analyse high quality images of suspected […]
One Care releases IIF tracking dashboard for primary care networks
One Care, a GP federation in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), has developed a new dashboard to help general practice monitor progress against national targets from the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF). Covering 70 GP practices, One Care has launched the dashboard to measure PCN performance against a […]
Cyber security, EPR, digital programmes, virtual wards, EPMA, social prescribing in focus at HTN Now 8-9 November
This week at HTN our health tech for the now online event series continues, taking place 8-9 November discussing current and topical health tech topics, open to all to attend. We welcome speakers from across the industry to discuss a number of topics such as: cyber security, women in digital transformation, […]