Author: Jennifer Turton


Health tech for Parkinson’s: NHSE rolls out automatic pump and app receives funding for second phase

NHS England has announced the roll-out of an automatic pump for patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease which is capable of delivering drug infusions “around-the-clock” through a cannula inserted under the skin, with hopes that the treatment could offer those experiencing movement-related symptoms an easier way of managing their treatment throughout […]


Scottish dementia strategy highlights role of digital and data in creating “resilient communities”, educating carers, and promoting inclusion

The Social Care and National Care Service Development Directorate within the Scottish Government has published its dementia strategy 2024-2026, outlining how the government commits to working “with the voices of lived experience” to achieve its vision for change in dementia care and highlighting digital as one of the key thematic […]


Digital Health and Care Wales signals 2024-2030 objectives for digital across infrastructure, research, workforce and more

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has published its draft organisational strategy 2024-2030, setting out strategic objectives for digital across health and care, including infrastructure, data platform, open architecture, digital services, digital health and care records, research, innovation and workforce, along with a request for views from partners and stakeholders. The strategy […]