The concept of an online ‘metaverse’, whereby a new, interconnected virtual reality could be created to facilitate many aspects of human and social life, is one which has been excitedly welcomed by many across the tech sector and beyond. The metaverse has been touted as a kind of ‘3D social […]
Author: Jennifer Turton
Northern Care Alliance NHS to develop app to predict and prevent patient safety incidents
The Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust has announced that work has started to develop an AI-driven app to predict and prevent “patient safety incidents” for those recovering from brain injury or other brain conditions. Recognising the challenges that these types of conditions can pose, the Northern Care Alliance’s Salford […]
Collaborative Health Innovation Lab launched in Gloucestershire
A new lab has been opened by the University of Gloucestershire and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, to “explore how innovations like wearable technology and artificial intelligence can be used to help the NHS”. The Health Innovation Lab aims to help solve large-scale challenges facing the NHS, including waiting lists, […]
NHSE accelerates teledermatology programme with July 2023 roll-out target
NHS England has announced the expansion and accelerated roll-out of their teledermatology programme, with the aim of helping patients receive faster skin cancer diagnoses and treatment. NHSE describes how using a dermatoscope, a lens “the size of a 50p piece that can be attached to a phone camera”, high spec images […]
NHS Confed reveals results of survey on patient attitudes toward health tech
The NHS Confederation has announced findings from commissioned research undertaken by Ipsos on public attitudes toward health technologies. One of the main findings from this research is that the majority of people “would use health technology if it meant they could avoid going into hospital”, with 72 percent responding that […]
UKRI invests in artificial intelligence, innovation and research
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has announced that it will be investing £54 million to develop artificial intelligence technologies in the UK, along with investing £7 million to “establish the Innovation and Research Caucus (IRC) as a world leading centre of excellence in research and innovation funding”. AI investments The […]
NICE announces new “one-stop-shop for AI and digital regulations for health and social care”
NICE has announced a new one-stop-shop and advice service, intended to support the wider health and care system “adopt and make use of new digital and artificial intelligence”. The AI and Digital Regulations Service will consist of a centralised and up-to-date website with content for developers and adopters of new technologies, […]
News in brief: VR facility walkthrough in Staffordshire, wearables monitoring fatigue, XVIVO Heartbox used for transplant, and Versius robot undertakes thoracic surgery
Here are a few of the headlines from the health tech community that have caught our eye recently. North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust presents VR walkthrough of new facilities North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust has presented a virtual reality (VR) tour of their new facilities, which are being […]
Top and lowest NHS websites ranked for accessibility – where does yours place?
Two years on from our post covering NHS website accessibility rankings back in 2021, we return to find out which NHS websites are in the top 10 and the lowest, based on usability, content, accessibility, marketing, mobile, social, speed, and legal compliance. The Silktide Index ranks websites for accessibility across […]
“Building and maintaining trust is crucial to realising the benefits of AI” – CDEI publishes portfolio of AI assurance techniques
The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, part of the Government’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, has published its “CDEI portfolio of AI assurance techniques”, detailing its portfolio of AI assurance approaches and how to use it. “The portfolio is useful for anybody involved in designing, developing, deploying or procuring AI enabled […]