For our Digital ICS event, we spoke to Ross Fullerton, Chief Digital and Information Officer at Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System (BOB ICS). Ross kindly joined us to discuss his experiences in digital work with relation to his ICS, some of the challenges he has faced, and his learnings […]
Industry view: what would ICS digital success look like in three years?
Earlier this year, we sent out a survey asking what success in digital transformation looks like to a wide range of health and care professionals. When the answers came in, themes included the need for collaborative working, both in terms of culture and with regards to implementation of electronic patient […]
HTN Festival: David Kwo on population health and patient conversation in an ICS digital strategy
Last week we were joined at HTN Festival by Digital Health Care Consultant David Kwo. With experience from working as a Chief Information Officer for various NHS trusts, David considered population health and patient engagement channels in an ICS digital ecosystem, with topics including the importance of case management in managing […]
NHS England opens Adoption Fund for ICSs
NHS England has opened the latest round of its Adoption Fund to support integrated care systems (ICS) introduce or scale digital innovations that support people at home. Across three clinical work workstreams including gastroenterology, musculoskeletal and respiratory, ICSs can bid for up to £200,000 per ICS, per priority area. Projects must […]
Sussex ICS adopts new data tool to support bowel cancer screening
Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) has worked with South, Central and West (SCW) to adopt a new tool to support its bowel screening programme. The ICS has been working with SCW’s geospatial team on a web application to identify hotspots of low bowel screening uptake and high cancer positivity rates within […]
NHS England opens expressions of interest for Discharge Integration Frontrunner sites
NHS England and NHS Improvement are inviting expressions of interest from local systems to become Discharge Integration Frontrunner sites. The aim of the programme is to develop, design and test new approaches and service models for discharging people from acute care, which could include new funding models, workforce models, or […]
Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership goes live with single waiting list platform across the ICS
Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership has gone live with a data management platform from Insource, to provide a single system-wide patient tracking list. Part of the ICS’s wider elective recovery programme, the platform provides visibility of patients from referral to treatment waiting lists across three acute sites and […]
NHSE shares ICS case study on Population Health Management
NHS England (NHSE) has shared a new case study about how a Population Health Management (PHM) approach was able to help a primary care network offer extra support for a high-risk patient group with heart failure and social isolation. The Titan Primary Care Network (PCN), which is part of the […]
Health Education England launches Population Health Digital Toolkit
Health Education England has launched a new resource to help provide insight and knowledge into population health. Its Population Health Digital Toolkit is aimed at health and care learners to develop their understanding of population health principles, helping them achieve competencies in areas such as population health data, health inequalities, population […]
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS joins the Yorkshire & Humber Care Record
The Yorkshire & Humber Care Record has formed a new partnership with Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care System (ICS) to connect a further 1.1 million people to the care record. With Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS joining the programme, it means 132 GP practices, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicestershire Partnership Trust, […]