

Northamptonshire CCG introduces clinically-led online suicide prevention resource

NHS Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has introduced a new clinically-led online suicide prevention platform to support people with suicidal thoughts. The digital platform, called Togetherall, provides people with access to clinically-led resources, self-guided groups and online forums. The online community is managed by psychology clinicians and can be accessed […]


CQC outlines registration requirements for online orthodontic providers

The Care Quality Commission (the CQC) has released details of its registration requirements for providers of ‘direct-to-consumer’ orthodontic treatment, also referred to as online or remote orthodontics. Concentrating on these virtual dental services, the CQC said it wanted to “clarify the registration requirements for this type of care”. The reason […]


A closer look at the new NHSX mental health digital playbook

NHSX launched its new ‘mental health digital playbook’ earlier this week, to provide the NHS with real-world examples of how to “use digital ways of working” to “improve outcomes for patients”. Earlier this year, NHSX also released an eye care digital playbook, a resource for eye care specialists seeking to […]