

Online physio services available through Boots

Boots has partnered with PhysioFast Online to offer its customers access to a physiotherapist through digital channels. PhysioFast Online provides physiotherapy appointments via video, offering treatment and advice services for injury and rehabilitation issues. A session can be booked with a physiotherapist 7 days a week, from 08:00 – 21:00, with […]


Webinar: How can NLP solve data challenges in healthcare?

The Topol Review cited Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based AI as one of the top five technological advances set to impact the provision of services delivered by the NHS. Earlier this month we attended a presentation which explored how NLP can solve data challenges in healthcare, by examining tried and tested […]


NHSX launches clinical communications procurement framework

NHSX has launched a Clinical Communications Procurement Framework to support NHS organisations adopt clinical facing communication and tasks management tools. The framework is an agreement between the government and suppliers to ensure a quicker process than individual procurement contracts. At time of writing 25 suppliers are part of the framework to […]


Immersive technologies to support healthcare training

A consortium called Resilient XR, along with advisors from Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust and Health Education England are utilising mixed reality technologies as part an online education programme. The Resilient XR consortium is made up of Microsoft, volumetric production studio Dimension, digital technology innovation centre Digital Catapult, content distribution platform […]