Clinicians and IT experts at Southampton’s teaching hospitals have shared some of their pioneering digital initiatives with NHS leaders. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is one of 16 centres of excellence – known as global digital exemplars – selected by the Department of Health to develop and share innovations. […]
AI wearable eye tracking device available through NHS Supply Chain Framework
The EyeControl – a communication device for individuals with Locked-In Syndrome – is now available on NHS Supply Chain Framework. It is the world’s first AI-powered, wearable eye tracking device, enabling 24/7 immediate communication, both for emergency and social purposes, a feat that previous solutions have not addressed. Or Retzkin, […]
Digital tech fund to tackle healthcare challenges
UK businesses can apply for a share of up to £9 million to develop more effective and efficient treatments through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund. The funding is for businesses with ideas to develop novel digital technology solutions for healthcare challenges with funding provided by UK Research and Innovation and […]
Genomics England selects Congenica to provide clinical decision support services
Genomics England has chosen Congenica as its Clinical Decision Support Service partner to help deliver the new NHS Genomic Medicine Service, which rolls out this month. The decision follows a competitive tender process involving the leading providers of genomic diagnostic decision support. Congenica’s SapientiaTM platform was selected using robust criteria […]
Matt Hancock launches tech vision
Outdated and obstructive NHS IT systems will become a thing of the past, Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has said as he launches his technology vision in The Future of Healthcare. This report outlines plans to introduce minimum technical standards that digital services and IT systems in the […]
Royal Brompton and Harefield to use Einstein 3D Imaging
Patients in London are benefiting from ‘quicker, more accurate’ surgical procedures following the introduction of a ‘pioneering’ and ‘progressive’ 3D camera system which improves the hand-eye coordination of surgeons. Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is one of only a handful of cardiac units in the UK to be […]
New unit opening at Great Ormond Street Hospital set to revolutionise how technology is used in hospitals
A new unit set to transform the use of technology including artificial intelligence in healthcare and improve patient outcomes is being opened at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). The unit called DRIVE – Digital, Research, Informatics and Virtual Environments – is the first of its kind in the world. It […]
Matt Hancock announces ambition to map 5 million genomes
The Health and Social Care Secretary has announced an ambition to sequence 5 million genomes in the UK over the next 5 years. Where relevant, patients will be asked to give consent for their genome data to be securely analysed by approved researchers, who will develop new tests and treatments for […]
Winning projects selected for share of £17m
Winning projects have today been announced that will collectively receive over £17 million funding following a government competition to support health tech. A GPS app to track where porters and available beds are in hospitals, 3D printing technology for tablets and smartphone apps to monitor and improve treatment of long-term […]
Artificial intelligence and electronic health records could help suicide prevention efforts
A collaboration of doctors and academics including ABMU Health Board emergency medicine consultant Dr Sarah Spencer found that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to scan a patient’s health history and has the potential to highlight patients who may be at increased risk of suicide. It’s based on findings which […]