
Interview News

Interview: “What’s come out in all of the research that I’ve done is the convenience factor” Helen Atherton, professor of primary care research at the University of Southampton

We recently caught up with Helen Atherton, professor in primary care research at the University of Southampton, to talk about her research findings and insights into digital in primary care. Helen first shared with us a brief introduction to her role and how she first got into research in the […]


NHS National Services Scotland to adopt cloud workflow solution across all GP practices

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) has contracted OneAdvanced Health and Care’s cloud-based software to serve as an enhanced document workflow solution across all GP practices in Scotland. The platform, which will replace the company’s previous version used by over 950 general practices, will support organisations in processing, sharing and storing electronic […]


Two new EPR functionalities deployed at Medway Hospital

Two deployments of new EPR functionality have been made at Medway Hospital, with Sunrise Order Comms integrated across all inpatient areas and emergency care documentation introduced within the trust’s paediatric Penguin Assessment Unit. The news was shared by the Medway NHS Foundation Trust’s EPR project manager, Kate Wimble, in a […]