Interview NHS trust NP

Interview: “You need people with broad experiences to lead digital agendas” William Monaghan, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NFT

Our latest interview features William Monaghan, executive chief digital information officer at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB) NHS Foundation Trust. William joined us to chat about the digital projects and priorities at his trust, their emphasis on user-centred design, and his hopes for the future. Hi William, can […]

Interview NP

“It was one of the smoothest go-lives I’ve been party to” David Newey on Royal Marsden’s EPR journey and the markers of successful digital innovation

We recently spoke with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust’s chief information officer David Newey on his latest digital projects and experiences, including the trust’s EPR go-live in March this year. Royal Marsden’s EPR plans “The procurement for our electronic patient record (EPR) originally started back in 2019, off the […]

Interview NP

“It’s about how can we make an intentional, positive impact on the health of the population” Preeti Sud, director of strategy and innovation at Mid and South Essex NHS

We recently interviewed Preeti Sud, director of strategy and innovation for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust. Preeti spoke with us about her insights on change management and digital strategy. As head of the strategy unit, Preeti described how her team support the trust with strategy and also with […]

Interview NP

“I’m excited for the level of patient empowerment that I expect to see in the next three to five years” Adam Lavington, director of digital transformation at Herts and West Essex ICB

For our latest interview, we chatted to Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS’s director of digital transformation Adam Lavington. Adam shared the key digital lessons he has learned throughout his career, the ICB’s digital priorities, his hopes for the future, and more. Hi Adam, can you introduce yourself and tell us […]

Interview NP

“I thought: there’s got to be a better way” Roger Flint on developing SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool, and the Harvard Health Tech Fellowship

For our latest interview, we spoke to Roger Flint. Roger is a Scottish GP trainee and is currently working at Harvard University Medical School in Boston as a Harvard Health Tech Fellow. In addition, he is the CEO and founder of SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool. Roger chatted […]

Interview NP

Interview: Lisa Emery, Chief Transformation, Innovation and Digital Officer at NHS Sussex, on their five-year plan and digital priorities

For our latest interview, we spoke to Lisa Emery from NHS Sussex. Lisa chatted to us about NHS Sussex’s five-year plan, Improving Lives Together, achievements in digital and data, and hopes for the future. Hi Lisa, tell us about your role and your background I’m the Chief Transformation, Innovation and […]