Primary Care News

News Primary Care News

Digital uptake of the NHS App and online primary care services, in relation to sociodemographic characteristics

A study entitled ‘Quantifying digital health inequality across a national healthcare system’ has been published in Research Square, setting out how the researchers analysed data from 6,356 primary care providers across England to test the association between population characteristics and digital uptake. “Quantifying sociodemographic inequalities within digital health uptake is […]

Feature Content Primary Care News

“Services aren’t looking for digital platforms that just open another lane on the motorway” Craig Oates on navigating care pathways

For our digital primary care feature series, we spoke to Craig Oates, managing director of Doctrin UK. Craig discussed the solution offered by Doctrin, his thoughts on the challenges facing primary care, the benefits of using the right pathways, and more. Hi Craig, could you take us briefly through your career […]