Tag: cloud

News NHS trust

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton upgrades to cloud-delivered unified communications platform

University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB) has upgraded its unified communications platform in order to modernise disparate legacy telephony systems, improve resilience and stability, and enhance user experience. The platform is delivered from the Cinos Cloud with the aim of providing the trust with the “flexibility […]

NHS trust

Northampton General Hospital signs 10-year contract for deployment of cloud-based EPR

Northampton General Hospital (NGH) has signed a 10-year contract with Nervecentre for the deployment of its cloud-based EPR, with frontline digitisation funding allocated by NHS England. Other trusts in the vicinity are working with Nervecentre include Nottingham University Hospitals, Chesterfield Royal Hospital and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton, with […]


NHS National Services Scotland to adopt cloud workflow solution across all GP practices

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) has contracted OneAdvanced Health and Care’s cloud-based software to serve as an enhanced document workflow solution across all GP practices in Scotland. The platform, which will replace the company’s previous version used by over 950 general practices, will support organisations in processing, sharing and storing electronic […]


Seer data platform in Scotland expands to utilise cloud tech

The Scottish Government has announced the expansion of data and analytics platform Seer, with the next phase (Seer 2) to see cloud technology utilised in addition to providing the healthcare workforce with a more “advanced” version of the platform to increase opportunities and flexibility around accessing new tools and technologies. […]


Crown Commercial Service opens G-Cloud 14 framework

Crown Commercial Service has published procurement opportunities for a new framework agreement around the latest iteration of G-Cloud, a UK government initiative aiming to ease procurement of cloud-based computing services including hosting, software and support. G-Cloud is designed to help public sector organisations in finding affiliated technology suppliers and purchase […]