For a recent HTN interview, we caught up with Michael Wornow, a computer science PhD student at Stanford University to discuss some of his most recent projects, including his involvement with research on Advancing Responsible Healthcare AI with Longitudinal EHR Datasets. Michael began by introducing himself as a PhD candidate currently […]
Tag: Data4
Government accepts 15 recommendations on the regulation of AI as a medical device
The UK government has published a response to a report from the Regulatory Horizons Council (RHC) about the regulation of AI as a medical device (AIaMD), accepting all 15 of its recommendations, and offering insight into current work and next steps in this space. Highlighting that AIaMD has “advanced significantly […]
Healthcare AI scribe company, Heidi raises $16.6m and starts roll-out to 53 GP practices
Healthcare AI company, Heidi has raised $16.6m in its latest round of funding, to help with the development of their AI scribe, said to automate time-consuming note taking and document generation. Early this year, the company announced its ambient AI tech is to be introduced to 53 GP practices, following […]
Microsoft launches AI assistant for clinical workflow
Microsoft has launched Microsoft Dragon Copilot, an AI assistant for clinical workflow, bringing together natural language voice dictation and ambient listening capabilities “with fine-tuned generative AI and healthcare-adapted safeguards”, said to support documentation, surfacing important information, and task automation. Examples of functionality available to clinicians include the ability to create […]
AI framework for the London health and care system outlines governance, responsibilities, proof of concept, monitoring
A framework for implementing and monitoring AI in the London health and care system has been published, covering five key areas: partnership, infrastructure and data, use cases, AI delivery approach, and communication and workforce development. It spans governance, roles, responsibilities, delivery lifecycles, proof of concepts, pilots, data pipelines, business as […]
NHS England rare disease action plan highlights unified genomic record, test order management, central messaging infrastructure and standardised dataset
The latest progress report from NHS England on its Rare Disease Action Plan, highlights progress against its four priorities of faster diagnosis, increased awareness, better co-ordination of care, and improved access, as well as introducing three new actions, and outlining digital and data work streams. In its final year, the […]
Oxford Talking Therapies services introduces AI-powered chatbot
NHS Oxfordshire and NHS Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies services have introduced an AI-powered chatbot, from Limbic, as part of their ongoing commitment “in meeting the demand for mental health support”. The chatbot was trialled over a period of six months with the aim to provide patients with “interactive, supportive, and non-judgemental” […]
Google partners with Institute of Women’s Cancers to progress cancer research through AI tools
Google has announced a partnership with the Institute of Women’s Cancers, with the aim to find ways in which AI tools can help “improve outcomes” for female patients with breast cancer and gynaecological cancers. Formed at the France AI Action Summit, the partnership aims to develop an understanding of how […]
Apple launches new health study using iPhone and Apple Watch data
Apple has partnered with Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, to launch a “major” longitudinal study via its Research app to assess health data gained from Apple devices, as well as third-party tech. According to Apple, this is said to help explore the ways in which different areas of health […]
Poll: What is the biggest barrier to responsible AI in healthcare?
For a recent poll on our LinkedIn page, we asked our audience what they think is the biggest barrier to responsible AI in healthcare – inadequate regulation, support for safe adoption, data and bias, or lack of evidence and evaluation? Support for safe adoption came out on top, receiving 41 […]