The Scottish Government has announced the expansion of data and analytics platform Seer, with the next phase (Seer 2) to see cloud technology utilised in addition to providing the healthcare workforce with a more “advanced” version of the platform to increase opportunities and flexibility around accessing new tools and technologies. […]
Tag: Data4
NHSE highlights data monitoring and evaluation in SAMEDAY strategy
NHS England has published SAMEDAY strategy, a framework for the development and delivery of same day emergency care (SDEC) with data playing a key role in monitoring and evaluating to identify patients suitable for same day care, with the role of digital noted to support ease of referrals and sharing […]
Poll: where should digital investment go in the short term?
Over on LinkedIn, we asked our audience for views on where digital investment should go in the short term – to patient-facing technology; cross-organisational workflows; data, demand and visibility tools; or digitising/removing paper? We received over 130 votes and views were fairly spread out, with cross-organisational workflows taking the lead […]
Key regulators asked to share update on AI strategy by April 2024
In a letter to the MHRA, the secretaries of state for health and social care and science, innovation and technology comment on plans to establish a regulatory framework for AI and note that a key area of feedback was “the need to ensure that regulators were taking the risks and […]
£10m funding from DHSC to support health tech companies in bringing innovations to UK market
The Department of Health and Social Care has announced the launch of £10 million in funding to be used in part to support eight selected health tech companies in bringing innovative solutions to market, including a device to identify liver cancer tumours; a portable blood test to identify stroke patients; […]
£1m in funding from NHSE for seven trusts through the Wireless Trials programme
NHS England has announced that around £1 million in funding has been awarded to seven trusts as part of NHSE’s Wireless Trials programme, designed to support organisations in introducing “new opportunities for wireless technologies that could help transform patient care”. Participating trusts include Manchester University NFT, trialling an approach that […]
Three new trusts join London Care Record
Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have started to share data through the London Care Record. Including details such as allergies, medicines, latest test results and care plans, the London Care Record is currently said to be […]
Lilli announces £8.2m in Series A financing to support scale-up, AI and new app
Lilli, supplier of lifestyle monitoring tech, has announced that £8.2 million has been raised in Series A financing – a 37 percent increase from the initial target – with the aim of supporting the organisation in scaling up across the public and private health sectors; enabling further exploration of artificial […]
NHS App and website to help “make the system simpler” in plan to recover dentistry
The Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England have published ‘Our plan to recover and reform NHS dentistry’, setting out plans to prevent poor oral health, to boost access and activity, and to support and develop the dental workforce, with digital means noted to play a role in […]
Predictive modelling, data dashboards and early warning systems feature in strategic data themes from Somerset NHS
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust’s digital strategy strategic data themes focus on the four core principles of predict, prepare, prevent and improve, setting out planned actions including providing training for staff on predictive modelling, developing tools so that front-end users can create their own data dashboards; and developing early warning systems […]