The UK government has announced £82.6 million in research funding for three projects, two of which are using emerging technologies such as AI to tackle cancer. The government has also made a commitment to provide researchers with access to “cutting-edge computing resources” to help harness “the power of AI”. PharosAI, […]
Tag: Data4
University Hospital Southampton launches project linking health records and road crash data
A partnership between University Hospital Southampton and TRL, a global centre for innovation in surface transport and mobility, has launched with an aim to reduce road deaths by linking health records and road traffic collision data. Funded by £500,000 from the Department for Transport and the Road Safety Trust, the […]
Panel discussion: Utilising data to transform primary care, support operational efficiencies, and improve outcomes
For a recent HTN Now panel discussion, we were joined by a panel of experts from across the health sector to discuss how general practice, PCNs, and ICBs can utilise data and leverage technology to support operational efficiencies and improvements across primary care. Panellists included Kathryn Salt, assistant director of primary […]
Sword Health acquires UK digital prehabilitation tech, Surgery Hero
Sword Health has announced the acquisition of UK-based health tech supplier, Surgery Hero. The acquisition comes as part of Sword Health’s investment in the UK, and will see the Surgery Hero tool integrated with the Sword Health offering, with the Surgery Hero team integrated also. Sword Health describe itself as […]
Royal Bolton Hospital uses digital imaging for post mortem examination
Royal Bolton Hospital has implemented digital imaging for post mortem analysis, with the aim to reduce the need for invasive post mortems and release bodies to families sooner. In partnership with Digital Autopsy UK and Manchester West Coronial Service, the CT scanning suite allows organs and tissues to be assessed […]
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust receives funding for national AI training programme
The Heart and Lung Centre at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) has received funding for the development of a national AI training programme. The heart support group let by the cardiac rehabilitation team at UHNM secured the funding from the British Heart Foundation, with the aim to […]
EU regulation to improve cross-border access to health data requires all EHR systems to be “interoperable at EU level”
The European Council has announced its adoption of a new law aimed at improving individual’s control over their data and making cross-border health data sharing easier, requiring all EHR systems to be “interoperable at EU level”. Member states will also be required to set up a digital health authority in […]
US Department of Health & Human Services AI strategic plan focuses on innovation, ethical use, access, organisational culture
The US Department of Health & Human Services has published its AI Strategic Plan, with a focus on four key domains: catalysing innovation in health AI and unlocking “new ways to improve people’s lives”; promoting trustworthy AI development and ethical and responsible use; “democratising” AI technologies and resources to promote […]
Framework agreement for AI published by NHS Shared Business Services
NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has published a “comprehensive” framework agreement intended to bring together the “wealth of experience” produced from current AI offerings to help “take the NHS above the foothills of digital transformation”. The framework agreement, to be used by NHS SBS approved organisations, is set out […]
Algorithm trialled on GP patient records to identify risk of developing atrial fibrillation
Almost 2,000 people have taken part in a pilot in West Yorkshire aiming to identify people at risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF). AI algorithm, FIND-AF searches patient GP records for any “red flags” that suggest the patient is at risk of developing AF in the next six months, before […]