Tag: Data4

Global News

Amazon expands AWS HealthImaging service for medical data at scale

Amazon has announced the general availability of its AWS HealthImaging service, designed to help providers build cloud-native applications to store, analyse and share medical imaging data at petabyte-scale. The service is said to enable all of an organisation’s medical imaging applications access to “a single authoritative copy of data without duplication” […]

ICS News

NHSE shares specification for system co-ordination centres, including digital software requirements and metrics to be monitored

NHS England has released its System Co-ordination Centre (SCC) specification framework, building on the minimum viable product for system control centres guidance that it released at the end of 2022 and outlining the purpose, key deliverables and minimum operating requirements for SCCs to meet for winter 2023/24. In terms of […]


CQC digital record system guidance places emphasis on availability, security and governance with a person-centred approach

Care Quality Commission has released guidance on best practice for digital record systems, focusing on the role of “good quality records” in providing “safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care”, and sharing four principles for providers around keeping systems person-centred with emphasis on availability, security, and governance. The first of the four […]