For HTN Now we recently hosted a panel discussion on digital across integrated care systems, including how ICSs can tackle challenges such as cyber security, digital in managing demand and flow, the primary-secondary interface, and data sharing. We were joined by John Kosobucki, founder of OX.DH; Dan Bunstone, clinical director […]
Tag: HTN Now
HTN Now: Kent and Medway ICS operational control centre – a collaborative approach
For a recent HTN webinar, we were joined by Saj Kahrod and Paul Charnley from the NHS England Blueprinting Team, along with Sue Houston (associate operational commander OCC) and Sue Luff (associate director UEC and OCC) from Kent and Medway ICS, to talk about their operational control centre blueprint. In […]
HTN Now: “If we do focus on it, we can make a difference” Generated Health on hypertension management and their intelligent messaging platform Florence
At HTN Now we were joined by Generated Health’s chief medical officer Dr Jonathan Serjeant and commercial director John Griffiths. Jonathan and John discussed the ways that digital is changing the realities of care for patients with hypertension, along with providing an overview of Florence, Generated Health’s intelligent messaging platform, […]
“We need to recognise that there are many different kinds of users” Vijay Magon on forming a patient-centric record system
At HTN Now, we were joined by Vijay Magon from CCube Solutions for a discussion on forming a patient-centric health and care record and creating a true single source of information. To set the scene, Vijay provided some background information on CCube Solutions, explaining they have been running for 25 […]