Tag: HTNNow


HTN Now: “Making data actionable and relevant to specific settings requires a collaborative approach” – Dr Kathrin Cresswell and Professor Robin Williams on digital integrated care

At HTN Now, we were joined by Dr Kathrin Cresswell, senior lecturer from the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh, and Professor Robin Williams, director at the university’s Institute for the study of Science, Technology and Innovation. Kathrin led a discussion on the definitions, concepts and drivers for the […]


“The reduced burden of logging in is massive with single sign-on” County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust and Imprivata on mobility workflows

This week we hosted a webinar on driving innovation and digital adoption in the NHS, in which we were joined by Emma Arrowsmith, digital matron at County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust, and Daniel Johnston, who works as senior clinical workflow specialist and clinical safety officer at Imprivata in addition […]

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“Digital is providing some key enablers for real strategic change”: CIO Adrian Byrne on digital in Southampton

At HTN: Digital ICS, we hosted a discussion with Adrian Byrne, chief information officer of University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHSFT), on the integration challenges for an integrated care system. The discussion focused on the successes and challenges experienced by the UHSFT in rolling out their digital strategy, covering […]