Tag: Interoperability


Interview Series: Anil Madhar and Mark Smith, Enovacom

In our latest interview we spoke with Anil Madhar and Mark Smith, from Enovacom, an Orange Business subsidiary that provides health and care organisations with interoperability tools that delivers the secure exchange of data between the health economy stakeholders promoting collaboration. We asked Anil and Mark a few questions to […]

Secondary Care

InterSystems ePMA saves North Tees 53 hours a day

North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust introduced the InterSystems TrakCare electronic prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) system, removing the previous paper based process. The trust said in result nurses have saved more than 50 hours each day, or 19,345 hours a year, and have seen safer ways of working and a […]

News Primary Care News Secondary Care

Hancock “better tech is not a ‘nice to have’ but vital to have for the NHS”

In a speech delivered on Tuesday, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock raised technology higher on the agenda than ever before and spoke about the importance of people, standards, leadership and scalability. He talked about leadership and the importance of every CEO leading on digital transformation, backed by […]

Secondary Care

Integration announced between Patients Know Best and Healthcare Communications

Patients Know Best and Healthcare Communications have announced a partnership to integrate to offer a ‘digital first’ experience where possible. The integration between the two suppliers means from a referral to discharge patient interactions can be digital at every point. Kenny Bloxham, Managing Director at Healthcare Communications “This partnership offers patients […]