Tag: Interview


Interview Series: Michael Abtar, CEO, IG Smart

In our latest interview series we speak with Michael Abtar from IG Smart, a specialist GDPR & cybersecurity consultancy, ahead of a seminar the company is holding on 26th November focusing on ‘Simplifying Privacy & Security for Healthcare Tech’. Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your organisation? I […]


Interview Series: Joachim Werr, CEO, Health Navigator

This week we interviewed Joachim Werr the CEO of Health Navigator, a company that helps predict and prevent avoidable urgent and emergency care by combining data and artificial intelligence with proactive health coaching. We asked Joachim how Health Navigator started: I was an emergency room physician, trained in Stockholm, and […]


Interview Series: Mat Oram, CEO & Co-founder, AdviseInc

In our latest Interview Series we spoke with Mat Oram, CEO & co-founder of AdviseInc, helping healthcare make sense of spend data and saving the NHS millions. AdviseInc’s Price Benchmarking solution has benchmarked over 45,000 suppliers, 1.7m products and 245 hospital providers providing access to past national and local spend […]


Interview Series: Tobias Alpsten, CEO, iPLATO

In our latest Interview Series, we quickly spoke with Tobias Alpsten, CEO from iPLATO, a provider of mobile patient facing services to support access and delivery of healthcare. iPLATO is the company behind myGP, an NHS assured app, which is helping reduce the number of people booking a GP appointment by […]


Interview Series: Bryn Sage, Chief Executive, Inhealthcare

In our Interview Series this week, we spoke with Bryn Sage, the chief executive from Inhealthcare, the specialists in digital health and remote patient monitoring. We asked Bryn as few questions: Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your organisation? I’m Bryn Sage, the Yorkshire-born chief executive of Inhealthcare. […]

Secondary Care

Interview Series: Dorset Care Record

On the day the Dorset Care Record hit its 500th user, HTN spoke with Tony McDougal from Dorset Council about the progress of the Dorset Care Record, what has gone well and what is next in the project.  What is the Dorset Care Record? The Dorset Care Record is a county wide […]