For our latest thought leadership HTN Now panel discussion, we focused on driving patient outcomes through health tech, featuring panellists Dr Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire); Chris Nortcliff (digital lead at Greater Manchester Primary Care Provider Board); and […]
Tag: workforce
North East and North Cumbria ICS pledges to adopt analytics-driven approach in draft innovation strategy
North East and North Cumbria ICS has published a draft research and innovation strategy which sets out seven principles including a focus on collaboration across the region to capitalise on assets, infrastructure and relationships “to unlock new technologies, accelerate clinical trials and develop new methodologies to meet the health and […]
Elsevier launches “heart education experience in spatial computing” tool
Elsevier Health has announced the launch of its new Complete HeartX tool, described as a “heart education experience in spatial computing” with features including including interactive 3D models, clinical simulations, and more. Using the 3D models, the tool offers learners the chance to “explore the healthy human heart and cardiovascular system”. It […]
Panel discussion: achieving long-term outcomes with digital workforce systems
For our most recent panel discussion, we were joined by three health tech professionals including Matthew Hutton, digital lead for Northamptonshire ICS; Ramandeep Kaur, chief clinical information officer at NHS University Hospitals of Northamptonshire; and Dan Chilcott, client enablement director at Patchwork Health. Matthew, Ramandeep and Dan discussed how digital […]
Digital Health and Care Wales signals 2024-2030 objectives for digital across infrastructure, research, workforce and more
Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has published its draft organisational strategy 2024-2030, setting out strategic objectives for digital across health and care, including infrastructure, data platform, open architecture, digital services, digital health and care records, research, innovation and workforce, along with a request for views from partners and stakeholders. The strategy […]
Interview: “We need to push for more collaborative working” Dr Osman Bhatti, GP and CCIO at North East London ICB
We sat down for a chat with Dr Osman Bhatti, GP and chief clinical information officer at North East London ICB, to catch up on programmes and priorities from the region. Osman kindly shared with us some of the progress updates and insights from NE London. Access to patient records: […]
Crown Commercial Service opens G-Cloud 14 framework
Crown Commercial Service has published procurement opportunities for a new framework agreement around the latest iteration of G-Cloud, a UK government initiative aiming to ease procurement of cloud-based computing services including hosting, software and support. G-Cloud is designed to help public sector organisations in finding affiliated technology suppliers and purchase […]
Calderdale and Huddersfield goes live on NPIC digital pathology platform
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with the national pathology imaging co-operative (NPIC) digital pathology platform, the “high-capacity pathology image repository and exchange system”. By joining the platform the trust aims to improve pathology services and outcomes, develop AI in pathology, and create a platform for research […]
Digital Academy launched in North London offering digital skills training to staff
North London Mental Health Partnership has announced the launch of a new Digital Academy, looking to enhance the digital capabilities of staff and upskilling with an emphasis on “intelligent use of data” to drive improvements in patient outcomes. The academy, delivered by Multiverse, has seen a total of 50 members […]
Poll: where should digital investment go in the short term?
Over on LinkedIn, we asked our audience for views on where digital investment should go in the short term – to patient-facing technology; cross-organisational workflows; data, demand and visibility tools; or digitising/removing paper? We received over 130 votes and views were fairly spread out, with cross-organisational workflows taking the lead […]