Month: September 2017


Evergreen Life App surpasses 250,000 users

Evergreen Life, the App that allows people to manage their health and wellness by placing their personal health record at their fingertips, has surpassed 250,000 users. It is the first app to satisfy the assessment criteria on the NHS Apps Library that offers patient-facing services across all three major GP […]

Secondary Care

Swedish company Strikersoft has chosen Cornwall as a testbed for its eHealth applications

Swedish company Strikersoft has chosen Cornwall as a testbed for its eHealth applications. Strikersoft and Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust have signed a partnership agreement aimed at leveraging a range of health-related IT and mobile application innovations. The main focus of the partnership will be to develop care processes and test eHealth applications with […]


43 Apps now in the NHS App Library

At the recent Health and Care Innovation Expo 2017 Juliet Bauer, Chief Digital Office, NHS England announced there  are now 43 apps in the NHS Apps Library. All Apps have gone through a 315-question assessment and can be accessed through: The Apps are grouped into the following categories: Cancer COPD […]


£10 million investment revolutionising NHS business services

A £10 million investment by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS), which is aimed at transforming back office functions across the health service, has led to 48 NHS organisations signing contracts for a range of finance, procurement and employment services. Since the beginning of 2017, a number of leading NHS […]


Trusts respond to Jeremy Hunt’s GDE fast follower announcement

Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has welcomed the Department of Health’s decision to select two trusts to follow it in making rapid progress in using digital technology to improve patient care. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has now named Wye Valley NHS Trust and Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust […]


NHS ‘will be hit by more cyber attacks’ survey reports

Cyber security is a top concern for healthcare management professionals an exclusive survey reveals, and the threats are expected to increase. Concern about NHS cyber security has increased following the WannaCry attack and healthcare management professionals expect it to come under further attack from “organised hacktivists”, according to a new […]

Primary Care News

Practices to benefit from cloud based telecoms

Thousands of GP surgeries across the UK can now improve practice efficiency and gain more time to care for their patients through an agreement that will see the Surgery Connect telephone solution available directly through the EMIS GP clinical system. Surgery Connect, from X-on, is a cloud-based telephone solution that […]


NHS Digital has announced five new projects

NHS Digital has announced five new projects that will help thousands of people in England to improve their digital health skills and improve access to technologies to support their health and care. These new digital inclusion pathfinder projects are part of a three-year Widening Digital Participation (WDP) programme being delivered by NHS Digital, in partnership with Good Things Foundation. 20 local  pathfinder projects will be delivered over 3 years across all four NHS regions to develop […]