
Welsh Health Board picks Idox Health records management

Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board is the second site in Wales to sign up to Idox Health’s iFIT logistics management platform.

The platform has utilised “Invest to Save” funding from NHS Wales.

Idox Health’s Records management module iRecords is expected to go live across the Health Board’s four acute hospital sites by December 2018. Once rolled out, the system will enable a more efficient approach to the filing, pulling and tracing of patient records, while delivering intuitive tracking technology that ensures the timely retrieval of records ahead of appointments to support a positive patient experience.

Currently, the Health Board is responsible for 2.1 million acute health records – of which 600,000 are active – and challenged by a significant quantity of duplicate records from a previous legacy merge.

Sian Richards, Head of Digital Records and Information Assurance for the Board “iRecords will allow us to streamline our processes across all of our sites, driving efficiency savings and support the Health Board’s transition to digitisation.”

The move to iRecords will be pivotal in freeing up much needed library storage, achieving sound Information Governance and supporting cost improvement targets via streamlined workflows.