Secondary Care

HTN People and Partnership Awards finalists revealed…

HTN is delighted to reveal the finalists in the HTN People and Partnership Awards 2020!

The Awards celebrate technology making a difference to patients, professionals, organisations and the health system.

Taking place 22nd January as part of HTN Digital Week, the innovative digital awards focus on how technology is supporting people. We are pleased to reveal the finalists below, or you can read up about the projects in more detail here. 

Team Work and Collaboration

  • Difrent – Delivering the new NHS Jobs service – NHS Business Services Authority in partnership with Difrent
  • Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Foundation Trust – Collaborative Working in Health Care : improving cancer patient experience and outcomes
  • Leicestershire Partnership Trust – Pilot of AutoPlanner within continence service to increase productivity and reduce waiting lists

Excellence for Patients

  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – eHospital – joined-up healthcare for our patients
  • Health Navigator – Helping patients at risk of becoming high intensity users of emergency care
  • Healthcare Communications and United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust – Improving access to care by going digital first with patient letters
  • AccuRx – AccuRx Chain – Bringing patients and their healthcare teams together

Delivering for Front Line Staff

  • Graphnet Health – St Helens Shared Care Record: Health and social care records in one place for safer, better care
  • Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust – Better lives, healthy futures – Family Health Services Website
  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust – Analytical Command Centre

Improving Efficiencies for Back Office Teams

  • Clarity Informatics – Clarity TeamNet
  • Patchwork – Implementation of an innovative technology solution to transform temporary staffing
  • Edge Health – Improving Efficiencies for Back Office Teams: Smart Theatre Scheduling with SpaceFinder

Bright Idea and Innovation

  • Oryon – Showing the way to better health
  • MyMedic – MyMedic: Saving the NHS time and money through a more effective locum management system
  • Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust – Better lives, healthy futures – Family Health Services Website

Most Promising Solution

  • Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, The University of Liverpool, Edge Hill University, Lancaster University and System C – Alder Hey first-of-type research to identify early warning signs of deterioration in children
  • AccuRx – AccuRx Chain – Bringing patients and their healthcare teams together
  • Alphalake Ai – Alphalake Ai Ward Bot Using Attended RPA
  • Beebo – Giving service managers and clinicians more time to spend on service delivery and development

Excellence in Implementation

  • Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – eHospital – joined-up healthcare for our patients
  • Patchwork – Centralisation of temporary staffing management through best-in-class implementation and tech partnership
  • Liopa – Pilot of an AI-based communication aid for patients with tracheostomies who cannot speak, but can move their lips normally


Read more about the finalists here >