Month: September 2020


Interview Series: Dr Rameen Shakur, Cambridge Heartwear

In our latest interview in the series we speak with Dr Rameen Shakur, an academic clinician in Cardiology and Precision Medicine at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the founder and chairman of Cambridge Heartwear. The medical device and algorithm company develops health technology and wearables for cardiac monitoring and also actively […]


Introducing ‘HTN for the Now’

HTN is pleased to announce HTN NOW, a new brand and focus for the online sessions, webcasts, storytelling and content we deliver and share. HTN NOW is a new focus to online storytelling ‘for the moment’ or ‘for the now’, where we curate a series of sessions to support our […]


Bupa launches at home skin cancer assessment service

Bupa has launched a new at home service to support remote skin cancer assessment, working with health tech company Skin Analytics. As part of the service, Bupa customers are sent an imaging kit, which includes a smartphone and a magnifying scope to take pictures of suspicious moles or marks. The images […]

News Secondary Care

Video: Leicester’s Hospitals digital strategy and EPR programme

HTN Summit 2020 Day Two, we were joined by Paul Volkaerts, CEO at Nervecentre, Andy Carruthers, Chief Information Officer at Leicester’s Hospitals and Graeme Hall, Chief Pharmacy Information Officer at Leicester’s Hospitals, for a session focusing on the EPR programme at the trust. The session explored Leicester’s Hospitals digital strategy, including their EPR Programme, electronic prescribing and medicines administration system and […]