
Join us on 16 May 2023 for HTN Digital ICS

Join us for the next edition of HTN Now on Tuesday 16 May – a one-day online event exploring digital integrated care systems.

We will be covering a variety of topics including ICS integration, remote monitoring and system-wide digital projects, bringing together health and care teams, leaders and suppliers to share innovations, discuss challenges, and share their approaches.

At 9am, we will be joined by Radar Healthcare’s national business development manager, Babar Shafiq, who will be exploring transformative potential of data and technology in healthcare. In this webinar, Babar will discuss how ICSs can leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive automation of governance and integrate health and social care. Babar will also provide a demonstration of the Radar Healthcare dashboard and how it could make a real difference to staff, patients, and governance.

At 10am, we host a discussion on building digital access hubs to increase patient access across primary care, giving our audience a chance learn how to evolve the workforce and infrastructure to power digital access hubs, and meet ICB priorities for patient access in 2023/24.

At 11am, Adrian Byrne, CIO at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, will give a presentation on digital strategy and programmes at University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.

We will be joined at 1pm by Paul Charnley, digital lead and chair of the National Blueprinting Steering Group, and Saj Kahrod, assistant director of blueprinting from the NHS England Blueprinting Team, for an introduction on blueprinting. Following on from this, Tsvetomira Dimitrova and Chris Richmond, authors of a blueprint focusing on remote monitoring using a cloud-based digital solution, will discuss how the solution helped in creating virtual wards during the pandemic, and how it can still be beneficial today.

At 2pm, we will hold a panel discussion on digital integrated care systems where we will cover a range of topics such as the opportunities for the ICS, system-wide digital projects, challenges, the development of digital teams, digital workforce and new models of care. On the panel, we will be joined by Dr Tamara Everington (chief clinical information officer and haematology consultant at Hampshire Hospitals NHS); Dr Dan Alton (chief clinical information officer, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICS); and Paula Ridd (strategy director, health and care at Civica).

Register for your free ticket here.