News, NHS trust

University Hospitals Dorset appoints new chief digital officer

University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust has announced the appointment of its new chief digital officer, with Beverley Bryant joining the trust in October from Guy’s and St Thomas’s and Kings College Hospitals.

In leading the trust’s digital strategy, the role will see focus placed on the creation of University Hospitals Dorset’s new electronic health record in collaboration with trusts and integrated care boards in the region.

Beverley’s previous experience includes director of digital technology for NHS England and chief information officer for the Department of Health.

Also from the region

Earlier in the year HTN explored a case study from NHS Dorset ICB on its partnership with ORCHA, which saw the development of the Dorset App Library designed to support access to a range of digital tools whilst also ensuring confidence that apps within the library meet standards across data privacy, clinical safety, interoperability, accessibility and more.

In July we reported how University Hospitals Plymouth signed a contract with Kent-based SME QuestPrehab for a year-long trial of digital prehabilitation services for patients on the liver transplant list across Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset.

We took a look at discussion taking place within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly integrated care board meeting, which saw CIO Kelvyn Hipperson sharing an update on digital progress in the region, highlighting developments in progress around improving digital maturity, citizen engagement and patient experience.

Other news from Cornwall in particular this year has included Royal Cornwall Hospitals launching ‘The Silent Hospital Pilot Project’, seeking to reduce levels of noise on a postnatal ward by introducing technology capable of silencing patient call bells and driving alerts to staff phones instead; and Royal Cornwall Hospitals also launching teledermatology services remotely to patients across community hospitals in the area.

Across April to June this year HTN examined the digital and data landscape across each of the ICS regions; you can find our coverage of the South West here, including recent news and insights into data such as digital representation on boards and progress around virtual wards.

NHS workforce: in the spotlight

On the topic of the NHS workforce, this year HTN has hosted a number of virtual panel discussions in which health tech professionals have discussed ways to develop and support staff.

In April, our panellists discussed how to engage your board and workforce with digital buy-in.

The same month, we discussed how to support the NHS workforce with digital skills and digital careers.

And in May, we hosted a panel highlighting strategies for empowering a digital workforce and developing workforce technology literacy.