Welcome to the big reveal of the HTN Now Awards, sponsored by CCube Solutions! At long last, we are delighted to share our winners with you.

First, we’d like to thank our wonderful cohort of judges for helping to review each entry. The panel of judges was made up of experienced and insightful NHS professionals from across the industry. 

Thank you to everyone who has helped us announce our winners, and of course to everyone who has entered the awards. We’ve had a great time reading about all your hard work and innovative efforts to help make a difference across health and care.

Now, onto the winners: we have 9 this year, with one for each category. So, without further ado, we present the worthy winners and highly commended runners-up of the HTN Now Awards, as chosen by our judges. 

Announcing the winner in the category of Healthcare Improvement/Operations Transformation is Ramandeep Kaur, chief clinical informations officer at University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group. 

Winner: Alertive 

While 11 entries were shortlisted for this category, congratulations are in order for Alertive as the one that came out on top. 

This project focused on Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust accelerating their care delivery by using Alertive’s role-based digital communication system to streamline workflows and transform test result and triage efficiency. Alerts were prioritised by urgency, helping staff focus on critical tasks​. There was a phased rollout to key departments including pathology, emergency, radiology, and pharmacy. The time to communicate pathology results dropped by 93 percent, from 53 minutes to just 7 minutes, now instantly available with the BlodBot going live. The proportion of ED patients triaged, admitted, transferred, or discharged within the 4-hour target increased by 7.9 percent, equating to 1,500 more patients meeting the target each month. With further insights to the success of this project found here

We’d also like to congratulate our highly commended entry, Lutra Health, whose project centred around digitising the cataract pathway by increasing efficiency in the NHS and enhancing community eyecare data with their platform 

Announcing the winner in the category of Shared Care Records is Vidhya Mohan, senior digital programme manager from East London NHS Foundation Trust.

Winner: Interweave

Huge congratulations to Interweave on their win! 

Their Shared Care Record solution supports five Integration Care Systems in England. The platform, and IP of the technology, is owned by Humber & North Yorkshire ICSs in a unique and sustainable partnership model supported by the principles of open standards and vendor neutrality. The buy-in of patients as stakeholders has been a core input and many patient engagements have been conducted, including through workshops, surveys, public awareness campaigns, and more. Find out more. 

Congratulations are also in order for Insource Limited who are our highly commended entry in this category. The NHSGGC’s Project Team implemented the PP+ Cancer Pathway Management in only 7 months, providing real time visibility of the full cancer pathway to end users without a requirement to integrate source systems.

Announcing the winner in the category of Health Tech Case Study of the Year is Siten Roy, orthopaedic surgeon from Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust. 

Winner: Isla Health

We’d like to congratulate Isla Health for coming first out of the 13 finalists within this category. 

Isla’s platform has improved patient care in Cornwall through low-cost Community Lesion Imaging Clinics (CLICs), triaging 2WW skin cancer referrals, reducing face-to-face appointments by 50 percent, and creating an AI-ready database of 489 dermoscopic images. The Dermatology team at Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust (RCHT) collaborated with Isla to develop a platform for hosting CLIC outputs and patient-submitted data. Between August and November 2023, 438 patients (489 lesions) were reviewed, with a median age of 72 (IQR 62-80). Of these, 27.9 percent were discharged directly from triage with advice to the referrer, whilst 20.8 percent were listed directly for biopsy or simple excision, and 49.8 percent avoided face-to-face appointments altogether. Learn more about this case study. 

Our highly commended in this category is Think Healthcare (Focus Group), who deserve congratulations and recognition for their case study on integrating the advanced Think Healthcare NHS Cloud Telephony module with Virtual Care Navigator (VCN) in a GP practice. 

Announcing the winner in the category of SME/Start-up Innovation is Dr David Huang, clinical innovation director at MANUAL.

Winner: Dosium

With 9 finalists in this category, we congratulate Dosium for their amazing win! 

Dosium is a clinical decision support company, spun out of Imperial College London, working in collaboration with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS). It tackles medication errors—the leading cause of preventable harm in healthcare—with Touchdose, a digital solution which integrates the British National Formulary (BNF) and the BNF for Children (BNFC) directly into electronic prescribing systems, reduceing prescribing errors by up to 84 percent and prescribing time by 20 percent. Discover further details here.

Caristo Diagnostics in the highly commended entry within this category with its CaRi-Heart® technology being the first-of-its-kind AI solution that quantifies coronary inflammation and characterises plaque burden based on analysis of routine CCTA, or cardiac CT scans. Congratulations!

Announcing the winner in the category of Data, Security, Infrastructure is Tamsin Rudolf, head of sales and marketing at Tree View Designs. 

Winner: Airedale General Hospital RAAC project

Congratulations are in order for AGH Solutions, BIS Consult and Esri UK as they take home the trophy for this category.  

BIS Consult were appointed by Airedale General Hospital to implement a new RAAC data management solution. Using Esri UK’s GIS (Geographic Information System) software, the team created a new system to replace paper-based processes with digital workflows to improve the accuracy and efficiency of RAAC inspections. Esri GIS provides powerful digital maps, apps, dashboards and tools to analyse spatial data. At Airedale, it has been used to map the indoors of the hospital to reveal where the highest risk areas are in real-time, to maintain the safe operation of the hospital. The new approach has introduced 50 percent efficiency savings in the RAAC surveying process, which involves a team of eight inspecting 20,000 RAAC planks across 52 departments. See further insights here

Further congratulations go to Sanius Health who are highly commended in this category for their AI-driven predictive algorithm which has accurately predicted 92% of VOCs using wearable data and patient-reported outcomes

Announcing the winner in the category of Health and Care Supporting Services is Ruth Auton, head of education, learning and organisation development at Northumbria Healthcare NHS FT. 

Winner: The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Cheshire and Merseyside Rehabilitation Network

Congratulations go to our worthy winners, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Cheshire and Merseyside Rehabilitation Network

This is for the development of a network collaborative Rehabilitation Coordination Service (RSC) which provided a streamlined and efficient model for the utilisation of data in the management of 103 beds; supporting timely and appropriate access to specialist rehabilitation for patients across Cheshire and Merseyside. The RCS offers timely assessment, maintaining the KPI target with 90 percent of patients assessed within 3 days by use of a Single Point of Contact for referrers from referral through to admission. It also supports an improved admission process, with over 80 percent admitted within 14 days target, thereby relieving pressures on acute beds/wider system and optimising patient clinical outcomes and experience. Learn more here. 

We’d also like to congratulate Suffolk and North East Essex ICB as our highly commended entry in this category. They partnered with SiSU to supply health stations across the ICS, to provide an opportunistic 4 minute health check, with no appointment or supervision needed. 

Announcing the winner in the category of Best Virtual Care Project is Duncan Booth, head of health and social care at Esri UK. 

Winner: Suvera

Congratulations to Suvera as our winners of this category! 

South East London ICB (SEL ICB) engaged Suvera to improve hypertension management across two PCNs in Lewisham. Patients were invited to enrol in Suvera’s virtual clinic and submit blood pressure readings in the Suvera App. Individuals were then reviewed and managed by Suvera’s experienced team of clinical pharmacists. In just six months, Suvera reduced systolic blood pressure by an average 10.3 mmHg per patient and achieved 80 percent engagement rates in Core20PLUS5 populations. Find out more at this project here

Our highly commended entry in this category is OX.DH for their OX.Waiting Room (OX.wr) project, which enables video/online consultations for group and one-to-one sessions. Device and browser agnostic, it’s available as a Microsoft Teams plug-in, no separate app is required.

Announcing the winner in the category of Digital Patient Transformation is Andy Kays, CEO at Socura.

Winner: The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology

Another one of our big categories, congratulations go to The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology! 

ICST’s Respiratory Digital Therapeutics Toolkit has achieved national adoption across Wales, with a 100 percent uptake in primary care and hospitals. It improves outcomes, builds trust, and sets a precedent for patient-centred digital transformation in healthcare.  Designed in partnership with NHS Wales, the Respiratory Toolkit exemplifies ICST’s ability to bridge the gap between policy and practice. It integrates seamlessly into existing pathways, transforming health equity and creating a model for patient-centred, data-driven healthcare. Read further details on the Respiratory Toolkit.

The highly commended entry in this category goes to Kidney Beam for their a virtual rehabilitation app which focuses on kidney-specific physiotherapy and lifestyle management.

Announcing the winner in the category of Health Tech Team of the Year is Dave Mills, head of Think Healthcare. 

Winner: Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust

Congratulations to our winners at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust!

This Pathology IT team revolutionises services at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, with a focus on four key programmes. This includes: upgrading the LIMS across sites; digitally consolidating order-comms for all sites; implementing digital pathology for cellular pathology and haematology; and consolidating all test results into one view. The strategy and business cases secured over £20m of external funding and the team recruited digital champions, and 4,500 people completed training. Uptake in digital use has increased from 33 percent in May 2023 to 80 percent in October 2024. GPs now request pathology tests electronically, eliminating paper referrals and improving quality. A 20 percent increase in efficiency gains has been achieved. Check out the details here.  

Our highly commended in this category is Cogniss and Health Innovation East and The Digital Health Hub –  a partnership aimed at creating a digital health innovation ecosystem across the UK.

And with that, the HTN Now Awards draw to a close. Once again, the HTN team would like to offer a huge congratulations to our winners, our highly commended entries, and every single one of our finalists. We’d also like to thank all the people who have helped us with this year’s awards.

You can read more about each category and the entries here. We hope you’ve enjoyed the HTN Now Awards as much as we have and we’ll see you next time!