Author: Amy Archer-Williams


Studio engages with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Wellbeing Hub for “truthful representation” of psychosis in game

Staff from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust’s Wellbeing Hub have shared how they collaborated with game makers for the development of a video game following a character experiencing psychosis, in order to achieve “truthful representation” of the condition. The game, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, follows the titular character and “offers players […]

Feature Content Interview Primary Care News

“We are seeing general practice telephone queue times halving within six months” Max Gattlin and Sharon Hanley of Hanley Consulting

We recently sat down with Max Gattlin and Sharon Hanley of Hanley Consulting, for a chat about their ‘Automated Assistant for General Practice’ EDATT (Enabling Digital Access Through Telephony), their drive to optimise access and experience for patients, and their overall mission to help reduce pressure on primary care and […]