A roadmap for the NHS UK website has been published following a period of collaboration between product managers and stakeholders, to provide insight on current and future developments. Four main objectives are shared for nhs.uk in 2023/24, focused on maintaining and improving the existing service whilst making it more efficient […]
Author: Amy Archer-Williams
What’s happening in digital and data across the East of England?
What’s happening in digital and data across the East of England? Following on from our two recent features exploring the role of digital and data in integrated care systems across the Midlands, and across the North East and Yorkshire, we’re moving on to explore health tech in the East of […]
Imperial College London on establishing a vision for health data to improve patient care
A white paper entitled ‘NHS data: Maximising its impact on the health and wealth of the United Kingdom’ has been published by Imperial College London’s Institute of Global Health Innovation. The document is intended to “create a first step towards establishing a vision, strategic framework and underlying principles to underpin […]
Shifting the paradigm from technology for organisations to technology for people – Dr Penny Kechagioglou, Lee Rickles and Paul Deffley on patient flow and virtual care
For our panel on virtual care and patient flow, we welcomed Dr Penny Kechagioglou (chief clinical information officer and deputy chief medical officer at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire); Lee Rickles (chief information officer at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust); and Paul Deffley (UK chief medical officer for Alcidion). The […]
Service design, public engagement and the necessary components for digitisation
The range of ways in which technology can be used to support and improve health and social care is vast. From artificial intelligence hitting the news to the efforts around integrating NHS trusts and systems, there’s an awful lot happening in the health tech community. Here, we’ll be narrowing it […]
“I thought: there’s got to be a better way” Roger Flint on developing SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool, and the Harvard Health Tech Fellowship
For our latest interview, we spoke to Roger Flint. Roger is a Scottish GP trainee and is currently working at Harvard University Medical School in Boston as a Harvard Health Tech Fellow. In addition, he is the CEO and founder of SPOT, the Safer Prescription of Opioids Tool. Roger chatted […]
Join us on 19 April for HTN Now: live webinars and research on a range of health tech topics
Join us this Wednesday, 19 April, for a day of live webinars and research on a variety of digital health topics, including remote monitoring, patient flow, records management and behavioural change solutions. At 9am, we hear from Dr Gemma Donovan of Generated Health and Dr Sabine Van Der Veer from […]
Eight guiding principles for responsible development of AI
A perspective article entitled ‘Guiding principles for the responsible development of artificial intelligence tools for healthcare’ has been published in Nature journal, with the intention of expanding guiding AI principles to assist it in “fixing deeply engrained and too often overlooked challenges in healthcare.” The researchers share eight non-exhaustive principles […]
“Every action counts towards achieving a regenerative and sustainable healthcare system”
Content by Open Medical for HTN’s latest feature series focusing on sustainability. Everyone is accountable 80 percent of the carbon footprint of the NHS is attributable to clinical decisions. Although adjusting clinical practice presents a significant opportunity to decrease carbon emissions, it’s not that simple. Several factors come into play, such as […]
“To realise potential, there is a need for all partners to align efforts more closely” NHSE board papers on research and innovation
At NHS England’s board meeting on 30 March, discussion focused on innovation and improving research within the NHS. The meeting placed focus on the work between NHSE and members of the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC), with the aim of improving the research and innovation environment in the UK along with […]