Author: Amy Archer-Williams


Video: David Kwo on EPR strategies for ICSs

Our final HTN Now session was led by David Kwo, EPR Programme Director for Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire ICS, and Advisor on Electronic Patient Record (EPR) programmes at Torbay and South Devon, Royal Devon and Exeter, and Northern Ireland. David joined us to discuss EPR strategies for integrated care systems […]


GE Healthcare and Hampshire Hospitals sign 10-year partnership to transform radiology services

GE Healthcare and Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT) have signed a 10-year partnership agreement, aiming to ‘transform radiology services’. The partnership includes a Radiology Managed Service (RMS), which covers 120 pieces of radiology equipment and a command centre to provide staff with advanced analytics and a patient overview, to provide […]