Author: HTN


London North West NHS EPR goes live

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust has gone live with its electronic patient record system over the weekend. The launch follows more than three years planning to “improve the quality of patient information” and provide clinicians “the right information to offer the best care as rapidly as possible”. The […]


NHS England to launch digital tobacco apps framework

NHS England has opened a procurement programme worth up to £25 million to develop a National Digital Tobacco Treatment Service Framework. The programme aims to provide adult smokers (aged 18 years and older) in England access to one or more digital tobacco dependency applications. It aims to support existing treatment services […]


University Hospitals Sussex opens EPR early market engagement

University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust has started an early market engagement phase as part of its electronic patient records solution procurement. The trust plans to procure a modular EPR to meet the minimum digital foundation requirements as part of the national frontline digitisation programme and to support its own strategic […]