Author: HTN

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“It epitomises the collaboration we’ve all been talking about” – how ICSs can integrate their health and social care portfolio

Babar Shafiq, national business development manager at Radar Healthcare, joined us at HTN Digital ICS to explore how Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) can harness machine learning and AI to drive governance automation and integrate health and social care. During his presentation, Babar demonstrated Radar Healthcare, a leading solution of risk, […]


NHS SBS opens cloud solutions framework

NHS Shared Business Services has opened a new framework opportunity to support the procurement of cloud solutions. Through an estimated £500 million framework, it includes four lots to cover solution design and consultancy, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). The […]

Primary Care News

NHSE launches primary care digital and transformation lead development programme

NHS England has launched a new programme to support PCN digital and transformation leads with core skills to lead transformational change.   Through a twelve month development programme, digital and transformation lead ARRS roles will be supported with quality improvement, data and digital, managing transformation, and a peer community to share learnings. […]


NHS England plans £50 million digital staff passport framework

NHS England has published a prior information notice with the intention to launch a £50 million digital staff passport technology framework. A market engagement exercise has now launched, ahead of an anticipated tender publication 9 June 2023. NHS England states they “want to better understand what the providers of digital […]


NICE recommends digital apps for depression or anxiety

NICE has recommended nine digital therapies to support adults with anxiety disorders and adults with depression. Six therapies have been recommended by NICE for anxiety: Beating the Blues, Space from Anxiety, Spring for PTSD, iCT-PTSD, iCT-SAD and Perspectives. Three digital therapies have been recommended for depression: Beating the Blues, Deprexis and Space from Depression. The therapies have […]