Author: HTN


NHS Wales to launch national digital systems usability survey

NHS Wales is launching a national digital systems usability survey to offer frontline clinicians an opportunity to speak up about the usability and design of digital systems across Wales. The survey aims to look into areas for long-term investments and improvements to ensure that the experience of using a digital […]

Secondary Care

The Royal Marsden goes live with EPR

The Royal Marsden NHS FT has gone live with Connect, its electronic patient record. Described as “the largest and most important digital transformation programme in The Royal Marsden’s history”, the Epic electronic health record went live at 4:00pm, 17 March. The trust also introduced a patient app and website called MyMarsden. […]


Evaluation of government commitments made on NHS digitisation

In 2020, the Health and Social Care Committee commissioned a review of the evidence for effective implementation and appropriateness of government policy commitments with regards to digitisation in the NHS. A report entitled ‘Evaluation of Government commitments made on the digitisation of the NHS’ was recently published to share findings. […]