New partnerships will be introduced across Greater Manchester, Wessex and One London giving health and care staff better and faster access to vital information about the person in their care, so they can determine the right action as quickly as possible, whether that is urgent tests or a referral to a specialist. At the […]
Author: HTN
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh chooses Agfa
Agfa has announced that the Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust has implemented Agfa’s DR Retrofit direct radiography (DR) solutions at three of its sites. The company said about 80% of the computed radiography (CR) equipment has been replaced as part of a realignment and modernisation project for the […]
4 new areas join NHS England’s integrated care development programme
NHS England chief Simon Stevens and Ian Dalton, head of NHS Improvement, have called on the NHS to ‘supercharge’ integration as Gloucestershire, West Yorkshire and Harrogate, Suffolk and North East Essex and North Cumbria will join the ten areas already part of the integrated care development programme. The announcement said […]
NHS launches public data opt-out campaign
Following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force in the UK, giving the public more control over how their personal information is used and the Government has also introduced a new national data opt-out, which offers people a choice on whether their confidential patient information is used for […]
Patientrack to help NHS trusts adopt NEWS2 more quickly
NHS hospitals using Patientrack electronic observations technology are now drawing on the system to help them to comply with a new national early warning score known as NEWS2. Central NHS bodies, which have mandated adoption, believe NEWS2 will help to improve the identification and management of sepsis and other serious […]
Highland Marketing: strategies for content marketing
In the latest blog from Highland Marketing on how marketing and PR can support the sales funnel, senior account manager Becky Mellor argues that lead nurturing – also known as automated marketing or drip marketing – is a vital skill for healthcare technology companies facing long lead times. I have […]
Great Ormond Street Hospital to partner with Microsoft to transform healthcare using AI
Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) has announced a partnership with Microsoft which will see them collaborate on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to transform child health. Areas of focus include machine learning, assisted decision making and the use of medical chatbots with an aim of providing care that […]
UCLH builds digital eco-system for surgeons
Digital Surgery, a health tech company shaping the future of surgery through the convergence of surgical expertise and technology has announced its partnership with University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH. Digital Surgery is building a digital ecosystem for surgeons and healthcare professionals, through partnerships with the healthcare community as well […]
Health experts in Birmingham and Guangzhou set up research institute
The University of Birmingham and Guangzhou Women & Children’s Medical Center have signed an agreement to establish a Joint Research Institute (JRI) that will use health data to help tackle childhood diseases. Birmingham’s expertise in data science will support Chinese researchers in exploring a range of maternal and childhood health […]
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership increases capacity by 30%
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership has boosted its capacity to deliver services to users by over 30 percent in the past year through the adoption of mobile working solutions provided by Totalmobile. Fife has introduced technology from Totalmobile to some 900 of its home care workers across the council […]