Author: HTN

Secondary Care

LTHT launches first online ReSPECT form

Leeds Teaching Hospitals has implemented a new digital way to ensure patients’ wishes about their care in an emergency are known, shared and respected. Clinical teams now have digital access to the agreed outcomes of conversations about vital aspects of care, including resuscitation and end of life care, as well […]


HTN Digital Week Call for Proposals

The HTN Call for Proposals process is now open and closes in the next few weeks. We would like to see if you would be interested in participating in HTN Digital Week by delivering an online webinar presentation, sharing a white paper, proposal, podcast or ebook. Our Call for Proposals […]

CCG News Secondary Care

Surrey Care Record announced

Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership together with NHS East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group has today announced the Surrey Care Record. The Surrey Care Record will see some GP records being made available to professionals within the A&E departments of their four local hospital trusts – St Peter’s, Royal Surrey, Epsom and […]

CCG News News

New local health and care exemplars selected

New partnerships will be introduced across Greater Manchester, Wessex and One London giving health and care staff better and faster access to vital information about the person in their care, so they can determine the right action as quickly as possible, whether that is urgent tests or a referral to a specialist. At the […]

Secondary Care

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh chooses Agfa

Agfa has announced that the Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust has implemented Agfa’s DR Retrofit direct radiography (DR) solutions at three of its sites. The company said about 80% of the computed radiography (CR) equipment has been replaced as part of a realignment and modernisation project for the […]