InHealth, a leading provider of expertly managed diagnostic services to the NHS and the independent sector for over 25 years, has chosen Docman Hub to provide a more efficient digital transfer of the care process. Docman is used by over 120 provider organisations and 6,000 GP Practices as a structured […]
Case Study
MHealth: How Apps are helping the Healthcare sector. By Paul Swaddle, Chairman at Pocket App
Healthcare technology is now a major disruptor in an industry where population is stretching the resources on the NHS. With 1.5 billion global unit sales of smartphones this year. Ten years from now everyone from teens to the elderly will be carrying a smartphone, and these mobile devices will be […]
Stoke and North Staffordshire leading the way in hi-tech help for patients
Health services across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire are logging on to the latest in digital technology to support people to stay fit and well – and are encouraging patients to use the hi-tech help on offer to look after themselves. Using text messages, social media, digital images and phone apps, […]