HTN 100

HTN 100

HTN 100: Lincolnshire Community Health and Therapy Box

Lincolnshire Community Health Sarah Lockwood, Senior Project Manager, Lincolnshire Community Services NHS Trust “Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust is piloting this innovative approach within our Clinical Assessment Service but also plans to expand to the care homes within Lincolnshire.” “Professional clinical advice coupled with e-consultations allows for a robust […]

HTN 100

HTN 100: Innovative treatment for depression and MYHEALTH@QEHB

HTN 100 is a 100 word challenge to help share health tech projects and learnings. In 100 words we want to hear about the technology you are using, the benefits, successes and tips. HTN 100 will be published every Friday! To participate email     Innovative treatment for depression Alex O’Neill-Kerr, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS […]

HTN 100

HTN 100: Agile Working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and Supply chain management in Somerset

HTN 100 is a 100 word challenge to help share health tech projects and learnings. In 100 words we want to hear about the technology you are using, the benefits, successes and tips. HTN 100 will be published every Friday! To participate email   Agile Working at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Richard Matt, Associate Director, […]