

Interview Series: Marc Warburton, Chief Executive of InfoFlex

In our latest interview we spoke with Marc Warburton, Chief Executive of InfoFlex a pioneering digital healthcare solution provider for both clinicians and patients, and we asked a few questions.  What is unique about your organisation? InfoFlex, formerly known as CIMS, has dedicated itself to supporting the NHS since 1995. Our staff […]

Blogs Featured Interview

Highland Marketing looks ahead to 2019

The turmoil in UK politics makes it hard to look too far ahead, but it is long-term trends that will shape the NHS and health tech through 2019, and well thought communications that will ensure success for vendors, say Lyn Whitfield and Mark Venables. Lyn Whitfield, director of content strategy, […]


Interview Series: Dr Paul Upton, Co-founder, Ultramed

In our latest interview series we spoke with Dr Paul Upton the co-founder of Ultramed, a pioneering health technology company providing patient-focused solutions to common problems. Over the past three years, the company have developed a suite of online patient assessment programs. They offer a cloud-hosted, online pre-operative assessment and […]